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Sep 28, 2022

Inspired by Casey Neistat, Tom Kelly video podcasts while biking on the Eastern Trail between Scarborough and Gorham, Maine. Tom shares a vivid nightmare and awaits results on a nasal medical test! Plus . . . birds in the marsh.

Sep 22, 2022

Tom is still at Higgins Beach Maine where he is pontificating about his career and how it all relates to surfing. Plus: Tom reads "fan mail" from Ryan and asks the viewer / listener . . . "What do you want from the Tom Kelly Show?"

Sep 21, 2022

At what point do you decide you did a good job? At what point do you decide you had a good day? Tom debates those topics and makes new friends It's National Punch Day!

Sep 19, 2022

"Talk Like A Pirate Day" trivia and gets some help. Plus a dating pick up line from his friend's highschool aged son!